Saturday, July 13, 2013

Please Pass the Bread!

It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)

I love bread.

Bread and butter, garlic bread, breadsticks, bagels, cheese bread, soft pretzels, banana bread... if bread is attached, this girl is in.

Growing up I heard my share of the famous words used by many parents: "You're not leaving this table until you finish everything on your plate".

That "everything" could include anything from a pile of lima beans, a chicken leg with that jiggly fatty skin attached, brussel sprouts, overcooked squash, gristley beef pieces... all of which I despised as a kid... but oh my, that warm fresh from the oven bread topped with butter that accompanied the meal always trumped everything else as far as I was concerned.

As a parent, I now understand the importance of vegetables and meat, the substance of a meal, and I've taught my children that balance at mealtime over the years.

Ironically though, we Christians need to learn the same lesson when it comes to the substance God's word makes available to us.

First there's the bread...

That warm, feel good comfort that comes from hearing how much we're loved and all that Christ has done for us through the cross.

Obviously no dinner is quite right without fresh warm bread... just as such, it's often the reminders of God's love, peace, faithfulness, and goodness that help get us through the hard times we endure.

Unfortunately, many Christians get full on that bread, and forget that there's more, so much more, on the plate set before us.

Enjoy the bread!

But what about the vegetables? We tell our children that the vegetables they're pushing around on their plate will make them healthy and strong. God's word offers the same for us!

Guidance, instruction, and a foundation of morals are provided. When we abide by these, we become closer to and stronger in our walk with the Lord. When we neglect the veggies of the word, we are neglecting the opportunities to grow in our walk with Him and the blessings He wishes to bestow upon us!

Then there's the meat. Sometimes it's tender and easy to chew, other times it's tough and hard to swallow... but it, too, is on our plate to consume.

God's word has its share of meat. There are many topics beyond the "love thy neighbor" and "do unto others" that are either put under fire again and again between fellow Christians, or just out on the back burner altogether, as though they're not clearly written in God's word at all. Just because it's harder to chew doesn't mean we should just spit it out and forget it's there.

Every. Single. Word. written between the covers of the Bible is there for a reason. The purpose? We can't LIVE without it! Sure, it may seem easier to neglect the touchy subjects so we don't ruffle any feathers, but that certainly doesn't lead to the healthy full life of strength, boldness, faithfulness, and endurance that the Lord intends for us to live.

"EVERY word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" does not mean:

...just the parts that make you feel warm and cozy inside.
...just the parts that we feel comfortable saying "amen" to in church.
...just the parts that make us the cool parent.
...just the parts that keep us active with the "in" crowd.
...just the parts that line up with the worldly things we want to participate in that really aren't that bad or even seem justifiable.
...just the parts that make us look like "good" Christians without having to step out of our comfort zones.
...just the parts that will "win" a debate with another believer (or non-believer!).

God's word isn't meant to be broken apart into pieces for our own conveniences. It's the all in one warm and loving feel good scripture, the instruction and guidance that strengthens scripture, and even the hard to chew (and sometimes hard to understand) scripture.

This is where the importance of balance comes in. Just as we need a balanced diet to keep our bodies healthy, we also need a balanced reverence and application of God's word in our lives to keep our spirits healthy.

Reading His word is knowing His word. Knowing His word brings understanding of His word. Understanding of His word then allows a proper application of His word to our lives. If you're not reading it regularly, you're not applying it regularly.

God wants us to know we're loved and sheltered by His peace... WHILE we submit to his guidance and virtues in our daily living and treatment of others... WHILE also standing boldly in the gap when the world tries to slip in the compromise and rebellion to all that He stands for.

Will we prefer the warm soft bread over the veggies and meat? You betcha! Will we have a hard time trying something new? Of course! Will we gag on the things that are difficult for us to swallow? Absolutely. But... just as we grew up from being a child pushing our food around on our plates, we will mature in Christ through the perseverance, and will be further strengthened by Him!

God is the Father, sitting by us at the table, desiring for us to acknowledge everything on our plate. Since we can't live on bread alone... then it's the eternal life we're cheating ourselves out of when the rest is scraped to the side.