The most simple definition to explain the word sanctify is "set apart".
Several days ago my son broke the remote to his television while it was stuck on an input mode that didn't allow him to use his tv. Without hitting the proper button on the remote the tv was useless, except for in that specific input mode. Last night, Nathan joined me in the laundry room gleaming, announcing that he had fixed his remote. He proceeded to show me how the broken spring that used to hold the battery in, had been replaced with a paperclip, and when held just right, twisted in a certain way, and taped down, accomplished the purpose... and waa-lahh, the remote now controls the tv again. His frustration though, is that he has to occasionally fiddle with the twisted paperclip to keep his remote working.
You see, while my son used his smart thinking and compromising skills, and came up with a great temporary fix until the remote can be replaced, it technically isn't the purpose that paperclip was created for. Remotes were made to control the tv with individual parts precisely designed to allow it proper functioning. The paperclip was made... well, to clip together paper. These items are sanctified! They are set apart with a purpose in mind at the time they were created and designed.
There are some things that are made for a purpose, and shouldn't be used for anything other than their purpose or they can ultimately be damaged and destroyed. Beds are for sleeping, not trampoline improvising, or they break down. Knives are for cutting, not screwdrivers, or the tips are ruined and dulled. Your teeth are made to chew food, not open tight bottle caps, or you'll eventually be making a trip to the dentist. You get the idea.
Our lives, too, have a specific purpose, and shouldn't be used for anything else but that purpose. They were not only individually and uniquely created, but they were paid for, in full, by the King of Kings. Your life is set apart, sanctified, to be used for one purpose, and one purpose alone... to bring glory to God.
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people.
(1 Peter 2:9)
You are chosen! As a follower of Christ you are royalty! This makes you one of those in highest order within God's kingdom! Families of royalty expect certain behaviors from the bearers of the crown. There are peculiar traits, attitudes, and examples to be set and followed. Surely the Crown of Life is no exception! As joint heirs with Christ we have a purpose to live up to and fulfill. Live for Christ because of who you are in Christ!
When this is compromised, we become like the broken down bed, a dull knife, or a damaged tooth... and we're then useless in accomplishing the very thing we were made to do! Only YOU are able to fulfill the purpose for which YOU were created... no rigging or manipulating can temporarily fill in for you as the paperclip did with the remote.
What areas in your life are not glorifying to God? Perhaps you've allowed yourself to be temporarily rigged so you appear as though you're properly functioning among the crowd. Or are you set apart as your unique purpose designed you to be? Don't compromise your position in Christ! Sanctify your life, set it apart... because YOU are a chosen vessel to bring God glory!