Isn't it amazing how many ways to verbally say LOVE?
There are a number of ways to show love as well. In fact, top psychologists claim that there are five love languages, or rather, five primary ways that people express and interpret love.
These five "primary love languages" are Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. I can see how those five can be very much effective. Everyone receives some sort of satisfaction from feeling loved and being shown they are loved. Some need to be shown more love than others, to feel secure, needed, and appreciated. Others find it brings them more joy to share love than receive acts, words, or affirmations of love.
While these area experts may have a point in their analysis of love, I must argue that there is one language of love that was left out of the top five. It was, and is, the most important language of love ever demonstrated. It was an example and such a pure demonstration for us to literally model ourselves after.
It was the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
He ate with sinners, told parables to lend understanding, was humble in his works, compassionate to the suffering, patient through trials and judgement, and loyal to His Father's will. He served others without hesitation, never putting self first.
How many times are we guilty of serving with ulterior motives. While some of those motives may not necessarily be labeled as bad, are they truly done with a servant's heart as the example Christ so faithfully demonstrated? Sometimes just making it through the day itself seems like an achievement! But, can you imagine the joy God receives when it goes beyond that?
We have so many chances to show love to those around us!
Allow it to start right there within those walls you call your home. If we can't show love and a servant's heart to our own family members, how can we expect the love of the Lord to shine to others? When we prioritize our time and attention to the members of our family we are showing God an act of love! He has blessed us with those directly in our lives, and it's doubtful any of them would mind you experimenting your practice of love on them!
While working, cleaning, listening, teaching, supporting and giving to each other at home, we must remember to allow it to be done out of love... not obligation, guilt, habit, or duty... but truly sharing love from within. Simple things such as a hug goodnight, a meal at the table, a new coat, washed underwear, a ride to practice... are those moments being done out of habit and have-to's, or are you using those chances to demonstrate your love? It is possible for habit to become sincere and loving... and it all begins with a desire to strive toward displaying the love of Christ.
Next ask yourself what you are good at! What talent has our Creator blessed you with? You do have one... at least one! Some aren't even aware of their talent(s)! Start with things you succeed in, are good at, or things you enjoy! Do you make crafts? Build? Organize? Enjoy children? Sing? Write? Garden? Cook? Explore yourself and determine what you do and/or enjoy that can be turned into a blessing for someone else!
You've knitted a hundred scarves for your own collection... is there someone else that could appreciate the next one? You grow amazing roses in your garden... can one of those blooms brighten the day of a neighbor down the street that you've never seen smile? Your family calls you an organizing nut... is there a function coming up that could sure use help to draw more people in to hear God's word? You love to play instruments... is there a retirement home in your local area that could use some entertainment because visitors are slim to none and loneliness is creeping in? You're good with words... are you allowing God to use them to minister to others that come your way? You love seeing children smile... is there a children's ward you could visit at your local hospital with a sad child whose parents are overworked to pay medical bills and can't seem to make frequent visits for themselves?
There are so many ways to reach out to others with our own God given talents. Ways that don't require an overdose of funds... just a love that demonstrates Christ. Some tasks are small and simple, others take time, planning, and extra thought... but there is no limit on ways it can be expressed.
Learning to love in its purest sense can be a challenge, especially when our flesh and feelings are tested and try jumping in to obscure our view. However, when selfish gratifications and motivations are put on the back burner, and we seek to demonstrate the most perfect language of love... that of Christ... glory goes where glory is due.