Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wake Up and Smell the... Blessings?

Yesterday the weather proved to be a perfect day for me to get the garden underway now that the cold front threats seem to have dwindled.

Seven hours later when the sun began to make its final descent I was pleased to see that a nice 3/4 of it was complete. A bonus to the day... seven hours of what turned into some one on one God time. I would like to be able to say it was seven hours of happiness and smiles, but it wasn't. I was corrected, humbled, and even had a few crying moments.

It began as I walked out there earlier in the afternoon to the 70-something foot by 30-something foot area prepped for planting. I remember just standing there looking at it for a moment, thinking, My God, what have I gotten myself into.

You see, I've been looking forward to getting the garden going for a couple months now. I've had standard gardens before, but this year, the idea of having a full-fledge garden to eliminate the need for fresh vegetables and fruits from the grocery shopping list just seemed like a smart idea. This new garden is set up for every vegetable and vine fruit you can imagine, and then some.

However, even with a garden area that size, I don't have the fancy tools and gadgets for easy planting, I don't even own a tiller... in fact, I realized as I stood there that I didn't even have a clue where the basic garden hoe and shovel had grown legs and walked away to. And yet, I had pounds of seeds (yes, pounds) to plant in the ground so the family would be set for a year on fresh, home-canned, and home-froze veggies.

Have you ever been stoked and completely blank at the same time? That was me, in that very moment. But I was determined. The grocery bill will decrease because of this. I will get some fresh air and time in the good outdoors because of this. Others would be blessed with the harvest drawn in from this.

So I took a large metal serving spoon (don't laugh... I use what I've got!), and started digging rows to drop the seeds into, carefully checking each type of veggie, and the amount of spacing each one required. I was enjoying myself. The sun on my face, dirt on my hands (and arms, and knees, and face, and under nails, and in my shoes...), my Chihuahua fur-babies running and playing around me... it was going great.

A little at a time my hands started getting sore, I began to get sweatier and sweatier, my mouth got dry and parched, and the dogs started irritating me as they ran back and forth over my perfect little rows. The disgruntlement started setting in. I trudged into the house to pour a glass of tea, and set back out to my project. I felt like I had already been out there for several hours, and as I approached, I had a pathetic five rows done. I plopped down on my butt right there in the dirt and just looked around.

Then the mumbling began. Oh, and the pity party... I can't forget that... because that's when the correction began. You know how they tend to start right after you try going to God with a "woe is me" attitude?

Shame on me! Oh I wanted the ground to open up big enough to swallow me up (as though I'd be hiding from God there, right?). I don't consider myself a complainer. I really do like trying to look for the best in every situation. In fact, there might even be a couple people that read this that can admit to getting irritated with me because I worry very little about things, and have been accused on quite a few occasions of being passive, when in actuality I just like the bright side of a situation... the gloomy side is yucky and depressing! Yet here I was, being Miss Debbie Downer.

So yes, there I was still sitting in the dirt. I caught a whiff of the fresh air, and I heard "wake up and smell the blessings". Uh, Lord, roses... the saying is roses. Wake up and smell the roses. And that's one thing I don't have planted around here. "No, blessings. You're thriving daily in a garden of blessings I have provided you, and you're feeling sorry for yourself?"

I'm willing to bet if that moment were captured on camera, the photograph would reveal my jaw dropped wide open.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very aware of the blessings in my life, and am forever grateful for them. But a layer was peeled off my spiritual eyes at that moment, looking deeper into my blessings.

One of my favorite shows to watch is Little House on the Prairie. There I sat imagining myself placed back in the days of Laura Ingalls Wilder and the life they lived. If they wanted food to eat, they hunted or grew their own (no exceptions like a trip to McDonald's if crops were ruined or the game got away). If they wanted water, they hiked to a creek, filled a bucket, and used it sparingly and wisely. If you want shelter to call home you build it from the ground up yourself (without electricity or plumbing) and windows were a special (and costly) bonus. When Charles Ingalls needed work, he would walk for days to get to other towns to earn a dollar or two for a weeks work (and that was on a good week).

We are so selfish. Where is it written that we are entitled to the quick and easy way out of everything we do? Can you imagine if our current generations were time warped back into the Little House on the Prairie days without promise of return. How many would long for the chance to return to their own life, realizing just how blessed we are with things as simple as running water, cars for running errands, grocery stores nearby for a quick dinner run (including a stocked meat department). How long would one last, hunting for and growing all their own food, fetching water from a creek, walking to other towns for pennies per hour of work, sewing their own clothes...

No Facebook games or videos to occupy laziness or idle time, no shopping malls or car dealerships to accumulate debt, no nail salons, no cell phones, no fast food joints when there was a night you just didn't feel like cooking, no video game consoles to keep you from interacting wholesomely with your children, no ESPN...

Just hard-working, living off the land, pure interaction with those in your lives.

Suddenly I was joyfully working in the garden. It blessed me to have the privilege to put my time, hard work, and effort into a source that would provide for my family. With the blinders off, it took on a different perspective. Yes it was hard work, but I felt good when I walked back into the house. My eyes watered when I stood before my refrigerator pressing that lever on the front that dispensed cold fresh water into my glass.

We're so spoiled, and we need to realize that blessings most certainly come in forms we too often overlook. If it takes heaven opening up and angels singing for us to recognize we've been blessed, then it's time to reevaluate our way of thinking. Complaints, grumbling, fuss, and disgruntlement are EVERYWHERE, while the "woe is me, life is too hard" syndrome takes over.

Recognize it, confront it, and get over yourself. We live in a garden of blessings... so wake up and smell your blessings!

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.
(Philippians 2:13-15)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

An Anchor of Hope

Hope. It's such a happy word. It's a smiling, healthy attitude for the heart. Any time one truly anticipates something good it brings comfort to the mind and heart.

However, feeling hopelessness is an awful feeling one could have. It's depressing and overwhelming all at once to feel at a point that nothing you're up against could possibly be resolved or changed.

For the one having lost all hope, life can seem like a long dark tunnel leaning absolutely nowhere. Proverbs 13 gives us a clear description of what results from this intense and burdensome feeling.

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick..."
(Proverbs 13:12)

Just as the body gets weary when lacking powerful immune system boosters such as iron and vitamin C, the heart also weakens without hope. Physical, emotional, and even mental illness can creep up on a person feeling trapped in a dreary position.

But here comes the good news... As long as God is God, there will never be a circumstance, situation, or problem considered hopeless. We have a promise contained in the rest of that verse from Proverbs!

"...but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life."
(Proverbs 13:12)

We find here a hope that anchors our soul! Anchors used to be highly regarded years ago in the Mediterranean. The economy was dependent on shipping goods from far and wide, and to those enduring the travels, that anchor was a strong symbol of calming and steady safety.

Hebrews 6:13-20 uses the word anchor in such a sense, giving reminder to believers that God provides a hope sure to hold firm in the midst of any storm.

When ALL our desires are placed before God and we seek Him diligently over the circumstance (Psalm 38:9), those desires WILL be granted (Proverbs 10:24) when the desired result is to honor the Lord (Proverbs 11:23).

Because of Christ, we have access to the throne room of heaven, the place available to us to cast every care, every burden, before a great and mighty God with unlimited power and authority over all things. In this we have the ability to cling to Him through any trial we stand face to face with.

Through God's abundant love, strength is provided for weary bodies, comfort for grieving hearts, and peace for an anxious mind. Simply put, He brightens that darkened tunnel and gently guides us through the most trying of situations.

Only through this anchor of hope, can your test become a testimony to be used for God's glory!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Fruit of Long-Suffering

This evening I was reading 2 Corinthians chapter 4, and to some of you, it's probably no secret that Paul wrote quite a bit on the subject of long-suffering. Through his writings he urges us, as believers, to hold strong in following Christ and doing good to others, and through our lives.. even through times of hardship and persecution.

Let's look at this word long-suffering...

1. enduring injury, trouble, or provocation long and patiently - adjective
2. long and patient endurance of injury, trouble, or provocation - noun

If anyone had a right to speak on long-suffering, it was definitely Paul. He had been whipped, beaten, stoned, and basically driven right out of town. He survived shipwrecks, riots, abandonment, and illness. He certainly had a thousand and one reasons to get discouraged and give up, but Paul did know his ultimate obedience to God was not in vain.

Some might think Paul didn't reap a whole lot. I suppose it doesn't appear as though he reaped much... after all, he was persecuted, moved from prison to prison, and eventually executed. By looking at it with the idea that rewards only come in materialistic form, a powerful truth is missed.

In reading, Paul writes about their faithfulness in planting seeds that, in the long run, would yield an amazing harvest. This harvest resulted from Paul's faithfulness... his long-suffering. First and foremost, the gospel spread across the Roman Empire, and the early church expanded far beyond just the Jews. The seeds Paul planted by his writings resulted in an abundance of lives being thoroughly changed.

Any strength we draw from his writings would most certainly be fruit from the hardships he endured. When he pressed on for believers to never give up on obeying the Lord, he didn't realize how fully the impact his life would have for us, now. Think about it... how many times have you heard Paul used as an example in a sermon, message, or bible study? His life and long-suffering encourages us to persevere through our own day to day! He simply believed in the power of faith, without having to know the specific why's of it along the way.

Are you aware of how impactful your life actually is? Do not be deceived by Satan's lies. He will tell you that your suffering or obedience will amount to nothing. He will try to convince you of how small and insignificant you are, that there's nothing special about you that God could possibly use.

Whether you're a housewife that spends all day at home or with your kids, a hard working laborer, or a top level CEO - here's the truth... YOUR faithfulness to God will never go to waste. It IS making an eternal difference in someone's life, whether you know it or not! Your children, your neighbors, your co-workers, your spouse, a friend, an onlooking acquaintance, your boss, church members, maybe even your paperboy or mailman. YOU don't know who God is using YOUR life to witness His glory to.

"We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope."
(Romans 5:3-4)

You were created for His purpose, not what you think should be acomplished on your terms and with "rewards" that the world sees as significant. Let God take care of the why's, how's and when's... as you patiently endure whatever comes your way, because His glory is worth it, and the least we could do in return for the example of long-suffering Jesus demonstrated for us.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."
(Galatians 5:22-23)