Let's look at this word long-suffering...
1. enduring injury, trouble, or provocation long and patiently - adjective
2. long and patient endurance of injury, trouble, or provocation - noun
If anyone had a right to speak on long-suffering, it was definitely Paul. He had been whipped, beaten, stoned, and basically driven right out of town. He survived shipwrecks, riots, abandonment, and illness. He certainly had a thousand and one reasons to get discouraged and give up, but Paul did know his ultimate obedience to God was not in vain.
Some might think Paul didn't reap a whole lot. I suppose it doesn't appear as though he reaped much... after all, he was persecuted, moved from prison to prison, and eventually executed. By looking at it with the idea that rewards only come in materialistic form, a powerful truth is missed.
In reading, Paul writes about their faithfulness in planting seeds that, in the long run, would yield an amazing harvest. This harvest resulted from Paul's faithfulness... his long-suffering. First and foremost, the gospel spread across the Roman Empire, and the early church expanded far beyond just the Jews. The seeds Paul planted by his writings resulted in an abundance of lives being thoroughly changed.
Any strength we draw from his writings would most certainly be fruit from the hardships he endured. When he pressed on for believers to never give up on obeying the Lord, he didn't realize how fully the impact his life would have for us, now. Think about it... how many times have you heard Paul used as an example in a sermon, message, or bible study? His life and long-suffering encourages us to persevere through our own day to day! He simply believed in the power of faith, without having to know the specific why's of it along the way.
Are you aware of how impactful your life actually is? Do not be deceived by Satan's lies. He will tell you that your suffering or obedience will amount to nothing. He will try to convince you of how small and insignificant you are, that there's nothing special about you that God could possibly use.
Whether you're a housewife that spends all day at home or with your kids, a hard working laborer, or a top level CEO - here's the truth... YOUR faithfulness to God will never go to waste. It IS making an eternal difference in someone's life, whether you know it or not! Your children, your neighbors, your co-workers, your spouse, a friend, an onlooking acquaintance, your boss, church members, maybe even your paperboy or mailman. YOU don't know who God is using YOUR life to witness His glory to.
"We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope."
(Romans 5:3-4)
You were created for His purpose, not what you think should be acomplished on your terms and with "rewards" that the world sees as significant. Let God take care of the why's, how's and when's... as you patiently endure whatever comes your way, because His glory is worth it, and the least we could do in return for the example of long-suffering Jesus demonstrated for us.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."
(Galatians 5:22-23)