Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Measure

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
(Ephesians 4:32)

Revenge, paybacks, alts, silent treatments, door slamming, angry retorts, bitterness, yelling, finger pointing... None of those words are in that verse, and yet they are often within our first responses to wrong doings, accusations, or hurt feelings. We KNOW those responses will get us no where quickly except with more hurt and additional amends to make it the long run. Flesh likes to open its mouth first, having a temper tantrum revolving around self.

If we could only learn to shut our mouths, whisper a prayer, and allow the Lord to intercede for us, so much could be gained for His glory, with so much more peace for ourselves in the process.

Whether someone cuts us off in traffic, spreads a nasty rumor, falsely accuses, hurts our feelings, spats with a spouse, or if our children disobey... we NEED to learn to be kind and compassionate, remembering we are not perfect, we are in daily need of forgiveness, and should likewise forgive others.

God's word is always uplifting, encouraging, loving, and compassionate to us no matter what the sin... what an awesome example of how we should treat others in our lives... strangers, loved ones, and acquaintances.

Keep this verse on my heart Lord, and only your words on my lips... thinking of your will before my own, forgiving others as I desire to be forgiven for my own faults.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Our story. It's our own. It makes us unique. It sets us apart from every other person on earth. It defines us. It's what God uses to bring Him glory based on what we've been through and what we have learned in the process. It's our testimony.

Since birth, moments happened that defined who we became and changes in how we walked, looked, talked, did things, even how we looked. Those moments brought us to our second birth... our spiritual birth. If we were to look at pictures of ourselves before that new birth, verses pictures of ourselves now, would there be a change in what we saw before us?

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
(II Corinthians 5:17)

There should be a difference. We should be walking, talking, doing, and looking in such a way that the world around us sees a change! I don't want someone to see me and say... yep, that's the same Jennifer I remember! I want them having to concentrate for a moment, wondering who I am because of what I have become because of the change I chose for Jesus to make inside of me.

Will they see fruit on our branches that is available for us to share?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

3 - 2 - 1 - Impact!

My bible has made a huge impact on my life. I've found the more I read it, use it, adhere to it, and cherish its contents, the more impacts there are on and in my life. My attitude, outlook, and general responses to life events is noticeably different on days my bible has been neglected.

You see, the Word of God is a very real and incredibly purposeful thing. It's so easy to just quote a verse from it that feels good or applies to a moment, but when we allow the Lord to speak to us in His word, then apply what He has led us to in our reading, changes happen.

Sometimes the changes are little things that awaken a seed previously planted. These smaller changes work together to move ourselves closer to God in our walk with Him. Then there are the wow factors that really challenge us. These bigger moments are only found in digging deeper.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
(II Timothy 2:15)

Have you ever caught yourself watching a fellow brother or sister in the Lord, and their walk with God? They always seem happy, content, positive, and full of joy... even when they have major things happening in their life. You wonder why your days seem to trudge on, slowly yet surely, battling your way through one day at a time, always looking forward to the end of the day or week.

You just don't understand why you can't get a grasp onto what they have. You pray, you read your bible, you go to church, you teach your kids right from wrong, you're good to other people, you're involved in activities and programs your church has, you're a witness to those that the Lord puts in your path... but you feel like there's something else, something just not complete and absorbed the way they seem to be portraying it.

My friends, then it's time we get out the spiritual shovel and start digging. The only way to open our eyes to what the Lord has in store for us is to seek it out, understand it, and LIVE it to its fullest. It's great to have the basics under control and active in our lives... but if we're only willing to carry through with the basics, then the basics is all we will get out of it in return. However, if we're willing to search out God's will and apply it to the extent He intends in all areas of our lives giving it 100%, that's when we start receiving 100% beyond the basic return of His blessings.

Blessings are not always materialistic. They include the fruits of the spirit, gifts of the spirit, fulfillment, comfort, and encouragement. When we've made our relationship with learning more about our Lord and God's will for our lives and our purpose here the utmost priority in our lives, the rest just happens.

The light starts to shine from within, and we become the one being watched... the one that people look at and say hmm, what are they doing different that I'm not doing... and maybe, just maybe, they'll start digging deeper and applying themselves too. Suddenly the body of Christ will come together and His glory will be brought forth as it was meant to, and should!

It's amazing what we can find out about ourselves, this world, and how much we have become accustomed to compromise when we dig through the Bible. Sometimes your findings will inspire, other times they will convict... but the biggest impact comes when our findings are applied.

I'm enjoying my impact!
God is good, all the time, and I yearn for more!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Measure

Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually.
(1 Chronicles 16:11)

The verse speaks for itself. No situation, problem, circumstance, or person can out-do the power of God. We are given an answer to our prayers before they even escape our lips... we are to seek the Lord, seek His strength, and seek His face... continually! Not when we remember to, not after we try fixing a problem on our own, not according to an OCD agenda... the word of God says continually.

Prayer time doesn't always have to be about asking for help, reminding God of His promises, and naming off everyone we know... He knows our situation, He knows what He's promised us, and He is aware of all those in our lives that weigh heavy on our heart... He just wants us to find Him.

When you find something, you have to seek it out first. If you lose your car keys (and if you're anything like me), you dig through your purse (multiple times), scan every table in the house, flip over couch cushions, check the ignition... you seek out those keys until you know they are secure in your possession. Those are car keys! Shouldn't our time with God be handled with even greater care and effort than a set of replaceable car keys?

Our prayer time, our moments with God, should be spent seeking Him until we know He is secure in our possession, giving us a peace over everything that brought us to our knees in the first place without ever even having to mention them. He is that mighty... He can provide the peace that passes all understanding: if we seek Him.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Musical Inspiration

Music is an incredible thing. It is defined as combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Music can capture you in a moment, bring about thoughts and concentration, move you, surround you, and lead you.

The music we listen to can shape our minds. The saying "garbage in is garbage out" is powerful when it comes to music because of its motivating factors. If you listen to songs of sadness, hate, rejection, corruption, and ungodliness, then that will be your primary mindset. Likewise, if you're listening to encouragement, comfort, praise, rejoicing, and joy... that is what you will bring forth.

Cleaning around the house isn't the most inspiring task of my day. It seems to drag on and take forever to feel accomplished. It's lagging, and seems to be such an insignificant part of my day. However, if I add music of upliftment to the mix while I go about my chores, a bounce enters my step, my mind is taken elsewhere, and before I know it, the house is clean, I feel good, and I desire to tackle more in my day!

Prayer time is sometimes hard to focus on. Distractions of the day enter my mind and thoughts are tempted to wonder off. I begin playing songs of praise and worship, and suddenly my mind is captured and I embrace my time with God.

Half the time I couldn't tell you which artist goes to which song. There are however songs that inspire me, move me, and lift my spirits. Sometimes the song depends on the circumstance. For me there are certain songs for certain moments, and I thought I would share a few songs/videos for a few of those moments that can apply to anyone.

FORGIVENESS... is amazing. I don't care who you are, what you have done, or what background you come from, the blood of Jesus covers ALL sin. Psalm 103:12 tells us that His forgiveness throws our sin as far away as the east is from the west. I was a mess when I found the cross, yet I was washed clean the day I opened my heart to Jesus. Nothing that I was, did, thought, or said is in God's remembrance of me from that time. There have been many times in my life, even since my heart was washed clean, that I felt as though my wrong doings were unforgivable, but he meets me at the cross every time my sorrowful heart calls out for Him. He's there for you too!

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
(Romans 3:23)

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
(I John 1:8)

GUIDANCE... is sometimes hard to submit to, but the Lord is there to share it at all times. Situations in life can boggle us down, torture our minds, and try to throw us off track in our walk with the Lord. How incredible it is to know that by kneeling in prayer and opening the Word of God we can receive guidance, confirmation, and affirmation for any situation. I've heard the saying "life doesn't come with an instruction manual, we just have to learn from our mistakes". Wrong!! My instruction manual is the almighty Word of God that teaches, heals, comforts, convicts, guides, and soothes my heart, soul and mind. He is there to help, we just have to submit ourselves to listening.

Be still, and know that I am God.
(Psalm 46:10)

PRAISE & WORSHIP... can never be given enough. We serve such an incredible God! Our creator. Our forgiver. Our comforter. Our peace. Our helper. Our judge. Our protector. The alpha and omega. He deserves to be praised, remembered, reverenced, glorified, uplifted, thanked and rejoiced. There should be constant praise on our heart and minds for all He has, does, and will do for us. He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3)!! Too often we forget to lift His name unless we need or want something, forgetting that He deserves and desires our attention always... before, during and after the storm. He does not leave us or forsake us, and for that our praise and worship to Him should be constant.

And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.
(Psalm 35:28)

Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised.
(Psalm 48:1)

Give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.
(Psalm 30:4)

I encourage you to keep a song on your heart! Music, especially that which is inspired by the Lord, can be a prescription for any ailment! What songs stir you up?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Drinking From My Saucer

60 Day Photo Story ~ 12/60

The Photo Story continues...

DAY TWELVE: a picture of something I love

When I sat thinking this morning about what I would post for something I love, it was so hard to narrow down one image to share! My faith, my husband, my children, my family... the list went on, and it was awful trying to think of one, if I had to choose one, which to pick!

That's when I remembered the song "Drinking from my Saucer". That song gives perfect explanation of what I love. I love that God has blessed me so much, that I'm unable to narrow it down to one thing because of His abundance! Not of things... but true blessings that make my heart swell with happiness. He's filled my cup to the tip, and the stream continues right in, flowing over, splishing and slashing onto the saucer.

So here I am, drinking from my saucer, because my cup has overflowed. We all are. If we step back from our day to day circumstances and look at our lives through God's viewpoint, not through the carnal, fleshly desires of what the world declares makes one rich, but looking deeper! What we have, in a materialistic sense, is worthless. Whether we're on the narrow path to heaven or living a life doomed for hell, the stuff doesn't go with us when Jesus comes to claim His bride. Because of that, the things don't matter.

Instead, as I am trusted to live a life for God, my heart is cherishing a spouse that is up when I'm down, one I can encourage in return through the trials he may face. The responsibly of loving and guiding my children, teaching them the lessons the Lord gives to me to ensure they are brought up His way. The joy of having family and friends that surround me to laugh with, cry with, support and encourage. The beauty in God's creation I'm able to witness everyday here in the mountains with endless scenery to admire. Forgiveness for my wrong doings. Songs that fill my soul with rejoicing despite any circumstance. Those are blessings money CAN'T buy. That is the abundance that should swell our hearts with love.

I am thankful for our vehicles, home, paid bills, and other odds and ends God has provided us with, but those are not the things I love. Those are not the things we are meant to love. We're to love God, love one another, and share that love in all we do, think, say and touch.

Thank you Lord for filling my cup beyond compare!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I Hate the Word Hate!

60 Day Photo Story ~ 11/60

The Photo Story continues...

DAY ELEVEN: a picture of something you hate

I hate Mondays. I hate my job. I hate when it rains. I hate my body. I hate dogs. I hate my hair. I hate spinach. I hate doing laundry. I hate being broke. I hate to get up early. I hate spiders. I hate traffic. I hate waiting in line. I hate your attitude. I hate slow drivers. I hate to read. I hate paying bills.

So after reading that first paragraph, what is your image of me? I guarantee it is not a positive one! For the record, I was not speaking for myself with any of those statements, they were merely to make a point. Today for my photo story I am to post a picture of something I hate. I have a problem though... because I hate the word hate!

Hate can be the death of us... the literal tag tied to our toes. I know I've used the word before, I refuse to claim perfect innocence... after all it's a word that fits right into the human language. But is it no wonder a person's day/week/month/year goes so badly when that word is used so often? How many times have you been in a conversation with someone and heard them incorporate the word hate in the conversation? Just to make a point, I scrolled through my Facebook news feed and counted the number of times the word hate was used in status updates: Nine times... NINE times people! That was without clicking on "older posts" at the bottom of the page to look for more. My Facebook is not a compilation of random people that have sent friend requests either, they are all people I know personally through work, church, school, online communities, family, etc.

For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
(Matthew 12:34)

If the word hate is being used so often in our speech, according to God in the book of Matthew, that is exactly what is consuming our hearts! Hate! Shouldn't we then be working our hardest to erase that word from our vocabulary? After all, God is love (I John 4:8), and although I've heard the saying "the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference", frankly I call that hogwash. Granted, you may like something, but not love it, just as you may dislike something, but not hate it... the relevance is close enough for me to ask, is it really necessary to exclaim the word hate so often?

What we speak reflects our heart. A day can be completely changed by what comes out of our mouth. If death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21), then shouldn't our words reflect positive thinking, uplifting words, encouraging motivators for those that hear us? We are to be a walking, talking, singing, rejoicing testimony that brings God glory! How does "I hate..." do that?

Our children, our enemies, and our fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord see our actions and hear our words. These should be actions and speech of encouragement, positivity, and uplifting motivators... regardless of how we are actually feeling or what we are actually thinking. The enemy can and will use the words that come out of our mouths for his benefit, trying his best to steal any and all glory from God as much as possible. Be a vessel for the Lord instead and overcome gloomy thoughts by speaking things as though they were.

Let's look at some of the statements from the first paragraph:

  • "I hate my job" can be rephrased as "Thank you Lord for an outlet to pay my bills while so many others cannot. I'm going to watch for ways to make the best of a position that could otherwise get me down."

  • "I hate Mondays" can instead be "It's a new week, I'm going to make the best of it by setting a goal for myself that will benefit you Lord!"

  • "I hate waiting in line" can be changed by saying "Lord if there's someone here by me waiting too that doesn't know you, help me to be a witness to them making the wait worth the while!"

  • "I hate your attitude" can be worded into "I disagree, and will pray (be sure you actually DO pray) that the Lord helps you through your circumstance!"

  • "I hate paying bills" should be said as "Thank you Lord for providing for me so I can pay these bills. If they are unnecessary uses of the money you have blessed me with, please help me better manage your provisions!"

  • "I hate my body" is a direct insult to the Lord's creation and can be made into a prayer that says "Lord, you have made me in your image, help me to care for it and appreciate it in a way that pleases you!"

    ANY phrase that uses the word hate can be transformed into a positive outlook that either blesses, encourages, gives thanks, or requests the Lord's help in your life without passing on a negativity that is so influencing on others. Remember, what you hate reflects who you are and what you value. What you hate gives meaning to what you care about... so is it reflecting what God would want you to share with those in your company? If it truly is something you despise, rather than speaking about the hate, why not use that passion as a motivating factor to make a difference through prayer, alternative action, self control, encouragement, or as a way to better yourself!

    Hate can be a useful way to motivate. However, it is to reject, to fear, to stray, to abandon, or to resist. Yet love is so much more useful and pleasing to the Lord. It is to invest yourself, to move forward, to give, empower and inspire. Either emotion can tell you a lot about yourself, and convey so much to those around you. What message are you sending?

  • Thursday, July 14, 2011

    Wacky Tacky Blessings

    60 Day Photo Story ~ 10/60

    The Photo Story continues...

    DAY TEN: a picture of the person I do the most messed up things with

    I have no hesitation thinking of the topic for this photo story entry. My kids have got to be the wackiest creatures around. There is NEVER a dull moment with them. Ever. Several of our children have grown and moved out, but these two continue the Shelton legacy of crazy moments created by kiddos.

    Pictured here is our daughter Desiree, our son Nathan, and our granddaughter Madison. Individually, Desiree and Nathan are like night and day. Their personalities clash, it causes the normal bickering that occurs between siblings, and occasionally I spot a new gray hair I like to sarcastically blame on them... but when push comes to shove, these two never fail to make things interesting. When you add Madison to the mix, that's when things really spice up. She's loved to pieces by them both, so all bickering and minor hassle comes to a halt as they group together and the craziness begins.

    The kids really bring out the silliness in me. When I let my hair down and let loose enjoying time with them, they make me feel like a kid at heart. That's my view of "messed up things I get into". I'm not one that gets a thrill out of pushing the limits of the law, going out on the town acting stupid, or doing things that, well, a Christian just shouldn't be doing... so the way I interpret "messed up things" is acting in a way that I probably wouldn't (at least not as much so) if it weren't for these kiddos.

    Children have a way of bringing out a joy in us if we allow them to. For them there isn't yet a steady responsibility of paying bills, time management, marriage responsibilities, and child rearing... so their idea of fun is obviously more than being able to sit for more than five minutes to hide from the everyday norm. They like to go, do, explore, dream, create, and enjoy every moment. Their minds think outside the box, and let's face it, their imaginations, creativity, and zest for enjoying life tend to outweigh ours as "level headed" adults.

    When we take a few moments to enjoy life the way a child does, in a way we used to before we got so set into our "adult ways", we have the chance to remember what it was like to giggle uncontrollably, act silly, be spontaneous, and let go of the tensions grow-ups tend let tie them down when unnecessary.

    Children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
    (Psalm 127:3)

    God's word here tells us that children are high valued objects in our lives... they are our reward. If you win a cash prize in a contest, would you not enjoy the unexpected addition to your finances and spend it? If you are given recognition for a job well done at work, do you not appreciate the acknowledgement from your peers for the hours poured into the task?

    How much greater then is a child verses a contest cash prize or an employers recognition, that is specified by God as being given to us as a high valued reward? We should enjoy them to their fullest, making the most out of each and every day... rather than allowing ourselves to view them as just a burdening responsibility. Focus on what matters has been so deeply lost.

    There will be times through their growth that our kids will test us, push limits, and challenge authority. But don't WE as adults do that with God??

    I hear so many parents in constant frustration with their kids from day to day. Walking through the grocery store, parents snap at kids to shut up and hurry along so schedules can be met. Clothes shopping gives witness to temper tantrums getting a child's way, showing a parents lack of focus on their child's life and well being in the long run. Even Facebook status updates have parents venting about all the frustrations, hassles, and stress their children are bringing them. Can you imagine how awful life could get for us if God's treatment of us mirrored how we talk to, treat, respond to, or view our children?

    The ohh's and ahh's over our kids when they're infants become giggles and laughter as they branch into their random speaking toddler years, then the milestone moves on to the first day of school as we relish the moments... then before it's realized, parents are looking forward to their kids going to school to get away from them for peace and quiet.

    I admit, I have moments with my kids... ALL parents do, or will, at some point. It's inevitable. We did it to our parents, ours will do it for us, and their children will do it for them. None the less, it's heartbreaking for me to see a huge lack of joy people have with their children as they let those moments push them away from their kids rather than gravitating them closer.

    When I think about the laughter my kids provide me, the talks we have about both serious and lighthearted issues, and the structure of parenthood merged with the enjoyment of every level of their growth, it all gives me the realization that through them, I am blessed.

    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

    Two Are Better Than One

    60 Day Photo Story ~ 9/60

    The Photo Story continues...

    DAY NINE: a picture of the person who has gotten me through the most

    My readers sure are hearing a lot about my hubby within this photo story! He's an okay guy that's worth getting to know though *smile*. Yes, that's him in today's photo... because other than the Lord Himself (which I obviously have no picture of), Mike is definitely the one who has helped get me through the most.

    Mike has heard my tantrums, seen my tears, willingly tasted my scary kitchen concoctions, and witnessed more than his share of my whining and venting. He's hugged me when I'm sad, laughed at my (not so funny) jokes, talked me through anger, complimented me when I felt my worst, pushed me when I needed a shove, backed off when my space was needed, and loved me at some of my most unlovable moments.

    There have been times in our marriage that I've wanted to wring his neck, bite his head off, chew it up, and spit it back out (hey, just being honest)... BUT, I can about guarantee I've provided twice as many moments for him to feel the same way. Even still, when he's out on the road he still misses me, he still calls me multiple times each day, and greets me with the same love and affection that we shared in our first years as a couple. I'm blessed to have someone like that in my life. I'm THANKFUL for my husband, my best friend.

    Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.
    (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

    Tuesday, July 12, 2011


    60 Day Photo Story ~ 8/60

    The Photo Story continues...

    DAY EIGHT: a picture that makes me laugh

    They say laughter is the best medicine. I've had my share of days that I felt down in the dumps... not necessarily because something bad happened that ruined my day... just a blah feeling. It's times like that when my kids always seem to come through for me.

    I'm probably guilty of not submitting to that joy enough. Our kiddos are definitely full of it at times, and with life's have-to's, I catch myself wrapped up in what needs to be done verses what could be done. The "stuff" will always be there no matter how diligently you tackle your day, but the moments... the possible memories... time laughing and enjoying loved ones... they are priceless chances we are not promised tomorrow, and we should enjoy them now while we can.

    In general we're a silly family. We all are pretty good with our sense of humor and the sarcasm runs fluidly in our household. But sometimes I think too many hold back from truly enjoying those moments when they're really needed most!

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

    You see, even the Lord specifies there is a time for EVERYTHING. How often do we allow ourselves to get caught up in certain aspects of that passage and forget the counter parts that even it all out.

    It's no wonder our society is falling apart! There's such focus on doing, going and accomplishing; getting even, being depressed, and fighting our way... that we lose our moments of joy, laughter, dancing, loving and embracing one another. How much are we cheating ourselves out of the happiness the Lord wants us to enjoy by skipping through available chances to enjoy what He's given us... whether it be people, children, things, space, or talents!

    The pictures I've shared within this post make me laugh. They remind me of a particular day that was very chaotic with so much to do, and we allowed ourselves to escape from the moment. It was a very random, very simple moment, but we laughed and laughed over it.

    One of the kids had left Mike's laptop on, and the webcam was running. Before we knew it, four of us were perched in front of the webcam using the silly features on it to distort ourselves, and we snapped away with the pictures. Over an hour later when things wound down, we were still wiping away tears of laughter. Amazingly, the kids didn't bicker or gripe the rest of the day, and we all went back to the tasks we needed to get done... together... as a family. Just an hour of joy in the middle of the day changed the outlook for everyone on a day that likely was dreaded because of the work we had to get done that day.

    Productivity isn't always about quantity, we have to remember quality. Quality time can include joy and laughter while still accomplishing what you set out to complete. I challenge you to let your hair down among the stresses and have-to's... and LAUGH!

    A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
    (Proverbs 17:22)

    Monday, July 11, 2011

    Treasured Items

    60 Day Photo Story ~ 7/60

    The Photo Story continues...

    DAY SEVEN: a picture of my most treasured item

    My most treasured item?? Should that take a lot of thought? Or is this one of those questions we should know without hesitation? Perhaps it depends on our frame of mind, or better yet, our frame of heart!

    So let's see: My house?... since it's where I share so many memories with my family! My car?... because it's nearly paid off and it gets me where I need to go! My wedding ring?... Because it symbolizes a precious relationship and unity I share with my husband! My laptop?... Because it helps me keep in touch, share thoughts, and store momentous photos! My bed?... Because you just haven't slept until you've crashed into our California king!

    Oh my, how insignificant all that is without God's word! After all... a house can be rebuilt if destroyed with new memories made (we're in that process now!), a car can be replaced if crashed (ours was!), countless stores sell wedding bands to replace one that's lost (I've been through it and although a very emotional moment, amazingly my husband and I moved on and the marriage wasn't effected!), laptops are a man-made object that may store things, but have limited memory that isn't guaranteed to withstand a storm (again, been there done that... laptops get fried in a lightning storm!), and beds wear out and damage regardless of comfort (we've been through a couple!).

    So what withstands all? What is worth treasuring that can not be undone, replaced, destroyed, can withstand any storm, and may physically wear out but the value never decreases? My most treasured item holds all those traits and then some... it's my own personal copy of the Word of God.

    Mike gave me this bible back on our first wedding anniversary. He has one exactly like it that I gave him the same day. We were so happy with them... the lovely scent of the black leather, the pretty gold embossed writing with our names personalized on the cover, and brand new pages untouched and ready for notes and bookmarks that could be personalized to our liking.

    The cover is now worn and ragged. I keep a bible case over it to prevent the poor leather cover from becoming any more tattered than it already is. But what's amazing, is the value, the message, the purpose, the foundation, the meaning, and the gift it holds within is unchanged, unfaltering, and stands as strong as the day it was originally written thousands of years before my existence.

    As I flip through my bible, there are notes, bookmarks, writing, highlights, arrows, and circled notations that now decorate the pages. It amazes me at regardless of how many times I turn the pages and read through His word, there is always something new to learn, nuggets to be discovered, and lessons to apply.

    This indeed is my most treasured item.

    Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
    (Deuteronomy 11:18)

    Monday Measure

    My "Monday Measure" for this week is:

    Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
    (Philippians 4:6-7)

    Oh how often we get anxious and impatient for what we know should be happening, could be happening, or want to have happening. With everyday lists of things to do, errands to run, bills to pay, and children to tend to the fleshly mind can't help at times to overwhelm itself and before we know it things are out of control and our week is unproductive.

    However, keeping our eyes on the Lord, a prayer on our heart, and His words on our mind, can cause the day to be accomplished and full of a peace and joy only He can provide. Things will happen... on HIS timing... so this week I'll be thankful in all I do for what the Lord has in store for me for that moment, and that moment alone. If a burden arises, it will be taken to Him to handle for me... because everything IS under His control!

    Sunday, July 10, 2011

    To Trade or Not to Trade

    60 Day Photo Story ~ 6/60

    The Photo Story continues...

    DAY SIX: a picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

    Do you recognize the gal in this picture? I do... I see her in my mirror every morning. Yes, I know this isn't a day in the photo story for a self portrait, I'm supposed to be trading places with someone for a day. Ah yes, the thoughts swirl, and the post yet again becomes about more than just the photo.

    When I look at my reflection, I have good days and bad days. Sometimes I grin back at myself wondering if it could get any better. I also have days that my mirror becomes a magnifying glass... I see every wrinkle, every grey hair, the pounds I've accumulated over the years, the pimple that popped up out of nowhere on my face thanks to an unwelcome "monthly friend"... However, none of the physical defines my true worth or purpose. What I look like, what I possess, what I wear, what I drive, what I live in... NONE of that is significant.

    I DON'T WANT to trade places with anyone. The Lord has me exactly where He wants me, with exactly what He wants me to have, sharing my life with the very people He has set in place for me at the time. Of course there are an abundance of others out there with more money, fancier and newer cars, humongous homes with maids, cooks and butlers, shopping trips where they spend more in one outing than I do in an entire year... but quite frankly, the "greener grass" in their yard still needs mowed too.

    Bottom line, I'm just fine and content with the life the Lord has mapped out for me, and wouldn't trade even one day with anyone, because that's one day of His mysterious and perfect plan for my life that I would miss by filling it in with twenty-four hours of someone else's path. By desiring even just a day of someone else's life is to look past what the Lord has for us and covet that of another... even if it is the little things, it's still the little things that can hold us back from what God wants us to be!

    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
    (Exodus 20:17)

    Thank you Lord for who YOU made me to be. Help me each day to see the beauty in myself and my surroundings that You have blessed me with. Help keep me aware of the things that make me unique and precious to you... the life that only I can live out that no one else would ever be able to because it was a life and purpose designed solely for me!

    Saturday, July 9, 2011

    A Favorite Memory

    60 Day Photo Story ~ 5/60

    DAY FIVE: a picture of my favorite memory

    How in the world is one supposed to pick one picture to display their favorite memory? Not only is my once photographic memory fading as I get older, but of all the memories that make my heart happy I have to pick just one??

    Well, in picking ONE I had to choose this one, and of course it has a story behind it. Did you expect anything less? :)

    My life at that point knew nothing but confusion, hate, rejection, humiliation, despair, abuse, deception, lies, sadness, and loneliness. At this point in my life I was looking for a new start.

    The day before pulling onto the lot here at Lakeshore Apartments I contacted 12 different apartment complexes, looking for a new place to live... to start over fresh. Of the twelve I called and left messages for, only one responded. When the manager called me the next day, he said I could come that afternoon to look around the complex and see the apartments that were available. I agreed, and an appointment time was set.

    I arrived as scheduled and met the manager... his name was Mike.

    The introduction started as a very professional tour, and ended several hours later as we both looked at the time and realized we had been sitting in the floor of my chosen apartment talking for hours about anything and everything... our experiences, jobs, children, our pasts and even thoughts about our futures.

    I married Mike seven months later.

    Since then we have been through a theme park of roller coaster rides. Some of them thrilling and exciting, the ones that you want to ride over and over again... others were more like the rides that flip your stomach and cause you to puke all over yourself. But we've ridden every single ride together, side by side over the years. Our stomachs have strengthened over time to handle the rough times with more ease, and the thrill of the good rides holds even more excitement for us as we've grown closer and closer over time.

    All because of that one returned call from Lakeshore Apartments.

    God has a purpose in ALL He does and in every path He guides us on. We don't always understand the point or purpose. So many times I could have chosen to give up... little did I know then that He would be partnering me up with someone that had a similar past that would join me in creating a healthier, happier future full of love, understanding, compassion, encouragement, and joy.

    Thank you Lord for memories, and how You go about creating them for us!

    Friday, July 8, 2011

    Mother/Son Time

    Follow Up on the 4/60 Photo Story

    DAY FOUR (continued): a picture of my night

    Since today's picture was supposed to be of my night, I had to add an addition to the sunset picture posted in my most recent post below.

    As it turned out, it was just me and Nathan (our youngest son) here at the house tonight. Desiree is on the road with Mike, and William is hanging out with the grandparents this evening... so Nathan and I went looking for something to get into. This picture is the product of our evening together... rice crispy balls, rice crispy treats with sprinkles, "never-lasting gobstoppers" (as Nathan has coined them), and cocoa crispy balls.

    This wound up a great night, the two of us needed this goof-around time together. We smeared butter everywhere, got hung up in melted marshmallows, stuffed rice crispy balls in each others face, and shared giggles we both needed. He's growing up, but it's nice to know he's still willing to hang out with mom :)

    Spectacular Sunset

    60 Day Photo Story ~ 4/60

    DAY FOUR: a picture of my night

    This picture was simple for me because I LOVE the sunsets here in the mountains. Well, frankly I love sunsets anywhere... but nonetheless, I was looking forward to this one. Regardless of the weather, rain or shine, there's always a pretty sky to look at here in the Appalachians!

    I suppose I could have taken a photo of what I'm actually doing tonight, but I doubt any of you want to see laundry getting done, dishes being washed, the boys playing on the laptop, or me already walking around in my pj's with nothing exciting going on while Mike's on the road! I'm thinking a canvas painted by the Lord is a much nicer option :)

    Thursday, July 7, 2011

    Little House On the Prarie

    60 Day Photo Story ~ 3/60

    DAY THREE: a picture of the cast from your favorite show

    I know I originally said I was planning to keep my photo story entries separate from other posts that were on my mind to share, but as I prepared to post today's photo story picture, this one got me thinking. Most of my regular readers know I can't just post a few sentences anyway... so this will hopefully all blend together (I think...)

    What ever happened to the classic shows that had true morals and values to the plot? I rarely watch television anymore. There's nothing good on tv anymore... and I don't mean good as in funny, plot thickened, or simply G-rated... I mean GOOD. Life lessons through clean examples. Allowing God into the scene. NO cursing. Realistic scenarios solved by goodness, love, compassion, and prayer.

    Little House on the Prairie covers all of that. Although the show is based in a time frame that is now probably considered prehistoric, it's real. It presents realistic scenarios that can still be related to modern day times, and the values that can still to this day be followed, cherished, respected, and applied.

    Children still have spats and run into enemies at school (Laura and Nellie), there are still busybody gossips that think money and appearance is what life is all about (Harriet Olsen), it's still possible to have a respecting, submissive, compassionate relationship with your spouse (Charles and Caroline), there are still health obstacles that could slow us down but can be used for God's glory (Mary's blindness)... the examples could go on and on. Each show ends with a feel good moment even if the situations dealt with were life altering and heart wrenching... because God is the center of each and every scenario.

    Reality tv, sitcoms, cartoons, and even game shows focus positive attention on lust, drinking, bad language, infidelity, homosexuality, idolatry, disrespect, premarital affairs, sexual perversion, etc, etc, etc... and society has become so comfortable watching such shows, that it's found humorous and lives are literally altered and scheduled around when the next show will air. I've heard of season finale get together's among friends. I've seen party favors themed after shows like Sex in the City, Survivor, and American Idol (another show that has earned my disrespect after repeated audience laughs at how freely Stephen Tyler curses and that's just supposed to be okay for a show that millions of young kids are watching and becoming literally obsessed with).

    Family sitcoms are now comfortable with lying and manipulating kids and drinking margaritas to wind down for the night instead of working together as a family, blessing meals, and talking children through honest and Godly ways to overcome a challenge. Check your DVR... would Jesus enjoy sitting down and watching all of those shows with you? I hope so, because He IS there with as us we watch what we watch. Garbage in becomes garbage out. It effects how we respond to or talk to our kids, how we deal with neighbors, how we respect elders, how our friendships are built, and what our marriages are based on. There are too many compromises and exceptions made... and it all boils down to being the lukewarm that He's vowed to spew from His mouth (Revelation 3:16).

    I thank God for shows like Little House on the Prairie in a time that corruption surrounds us in the world. Me, my husband, and all our kids have probably seen each episode, and I/they always take something from the shows. No matter what show we watch there will be something we take with us from it after the credits roll, sometimes not realizing it, but there's always a seed planted. We need to do an honest evaluation of the seeds we have being planted in our minds and in our hearts through what we watch.

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Close Over Time

    60 Day Photo Story ~ 2/60

    DAY TWO: a picture of myself and the person I've been close with for the longest

    For those of my readers that know me personally, I'm sure there is no surprise I've picked a picture of me and Mike for day two of my photo story, the person I've been close with for the longest.

    There are quite a few people I've known for a long time that I've kept in contact with over the years, but Mike is definitely THE one I'm closest to, in a number of ways, and it's been that way since the first week we met. We clicked at the moment of introduction, and we've been inseparable ever since.

    This photo was taken about a decade ago. I'm sure there are a number of older pictures of us around, but this was as far back out of the digital pictures I have on hand. I took Mike on a spontaneous trip from Ohio (where we were living at the time) to St. Pete Beach, Florida for a three day getaway for his birthday. Now, I will admit as I take a long look at this picture, we have definitely aged honey... but you know, the smiles are still there, with so much more understanding, compassion, and even greater love tucked deep down behind them. It's amazing what a difference ten years can make, not just in appearances, but even looking back over the events that unfolded... it's a journey without regrets that I would take all over again.

    Second Death: Avoidable

    Tuesday, July 5, 2011

    60 Day Photo Story

    Although I enjoy a good challenge that will keep me accountable with certain things, I came across this "photo challenge" idea that I prefer, for my case, to call a photo story.

    So in my sixty day "photo story" I'll be sharing tidbits about me through my favorite form of expression: photography. Most photo "challenges" I've seen require the photo to be taken within a day or so of posting it, but the way I see it, my "story" isn't just about here in the now, but instead everything up to this moment in my life. So, although I will include pictures in the moment as they apply, I know there will also be days that I pick through my abundance of photos and share from those as well. Some may just be photos that inspire a message the Lord shares with me for that days topic. Below my "Day One" entry is a rundown on how the next sixty days will play out (which I plan to post separately from my regular postings).

    So here we go with DAY ONE: a picture of myself with 15 facts

    1) This picture represents the view that most people get of me: a camera in hand with a cheesy grin on my face. My camera goes with me everywhere, I annoy people with flashes, and I like being BEHIND the camera, not in front of it :)

    2) I'm married to my best friend. It sounds cliché, but it's true... if there's one person I can tell anything to without hesitation or worry about judgement, it's Mike. He deals with my quirks, insecurities, childish moments, temper tantrums, dorky habits, and pet peeves in a way that only a true soul mate could.

    3) I have two children, five step children, and three grand babies... and not one personality among the ten of them is anything alike. Although time alone with the hubby is absolutely wonderful, there's something about a full house that makes my heart happy, and I long for the day all ten of them can be present in our home at the same time despite the miles between some of them.

    4) I have four more children in the form of tiny hair covered yip yappers... our Chihuahua's. They share our bed with us, and although they're only 2-3 pounds each, it's amazing what bed hogs they can be. They give unconditional love and greet us upon every arrival as though we have ten pound steaks hanging from our necks.

    5) I tend to be OCD on occasion. If my husband happens to read this I know he'll give a snorting laugh at the words "on occasion", but I'm getting better about it... I think.

    6) I can't stand to sweat unless I'm earning it. Yes, I'm a hothead. I was born and raised in Florida, but yeah, sweating pretty much equals an "ew" for me. I will even purposely end my shower with cold water long enough to clear the steam from the bathroom so it's gone when I open the curtain. It's a quirk my family patiently loves me through.

    7) I don't drink coffee unless it's cold. There is a rare instance that I'll have a hot cup, but it doesn't happen often. However, if you pour it over ice or make it frappuccino style, I'm a happy camper.

    8) Hi, my name is Jennifer and I'm a procrastinator. There, I admitted it publicly. If it doesn't HAVE to happen before the day is out, I tend to put it off. I really don't mean to, it just happens. Life happens I guess, and it gets put off, but it's procrastination none the less.

    9) I don't have a favorite color. I do love the color red. But I also like navy blue, pink, black, white, green... urgh, I guess my favorite color is Crayola.

    10) I love cheese. I'll put it in or on just about anything. Everything tastes better with cheese. My disappearing abs probably don't appreciate it much, but we only live once right? :)

    11) I'm blind as a bat. Literally. Mike has probably had to retrieve my glasses for me a million times when I can't find them after taking out my contacts (that have to be special ordered because no one stocks my prescription) forgetting where I placed them earlier that morning.

    12) I like to experiment in the kitchen. This is not always successful with my clan though, since they are true southerners that like predictable meals, but it never fails if it involves baking sweets!

    13) If I have a phobia of anything, it's feet. I despise feet. I only deal with my own long enough to wash them and paint my toenails. I feel bad about it because my Mikey loves foot rubs, but I seriously find it impossible for me to do. I avoid feet at all costs. Hmm, does that make it weird that I love a shoe sale??

    14) I love scenery and nature. The way light dances across the sky and through the clouds, fresh cut grass, the sound of crashing waves at the ocean, watching wild animals in the woods, fields of flowers, mountain landscapes, the relaxation of a creek, how everything looks after a heavy snowfall before it's been disturbed by footprints or tire tracks, the sound of thunderstorms...

    15) I have a love/yuck relationship with laundry. I love the smell of our laundry soap, I love fresh clean clothes hung up without wrinkles, and I love seeing my hamper empty. The yuck parts come into play with all the steps in-between :)

    The sixty day photo story table of contents:

    Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
    Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
    Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
    Day 04 - A picture of your night.
    Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
    Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
    Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
    Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
    Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
    Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
    Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
    Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
    Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
    Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
    Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
    Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
    Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
    Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
    Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
    Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
    Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
    Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
    Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
    Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
    Day 25 - A picture of your day.
    Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
    Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
    Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.
    Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
    Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.
    Day 31 - A picture of a tradition you have.
    Day 32 - A picture of a crazy night.
    Day 33 - A picture of the house you grew up in.
    Day 34 - A picture of your currently most played CD.
    Day 35 - A picture of your favorite place to eat.
    Day 36 - A picture of your ‘other half'.
    Day 37 - A picture of the people you spend most of your time with.
    Day 38 - A picture of the best part of your day.
    Day 39 - A picture of your favorite movie.
    Day 40 - A picture of your favorite Disney character.
    Day 41 - A picture of your pet.
    Day 42 - A picture of your dream house.
    Day 43 - A picture of something you can’t function without.
    Day 44 - A picture of someone you’re told you look like.
    Day 45 - A picture of your room.
    Day 46 - A picture of where you wish you were right now.
    Day 47 - A picture of your favorite place to shop.
    Day 48 - A picture of your favorite actress/actor.
    Day 49 - A picture of where you live.
    Day 50 - A picture of your most frequented place.
    Day 51 - A picture of your dream car.
    Day 52 - A picture of your favorite sport.
    Day 53 - A picture of someone you think is hot.
    Day 54 - A picture of the 1 thing you'd bring if stranded on a deserted island.
    Day 55 - A picture of the last movie you saw in theaters.
    Day 56 - A picture of something that makes you happy.
    Day 57 - A picture of your favorite holiday.
    Day 58 - A picture of your favorite animal.
    Day 59 - A picture of a random item that you own.
    Day 60 - A picture of something you’re excited about.

    Bite That Tongue!

    The Lord is teaching me to open my Bible when I'm faced with a situation that the flesh craves to flare up against. Flesh and spirit had a battle today, but I'm so thankful for a patient God that helps me through those moments so I don't create circumstances for myself that will only hinder my walk with the Lord.

    It is a fact that the enemy WILL test you. The closer you attempt to walk with the Lord, the more trials you WILL see come your way... but that's something to rejoice over! If too much time goes by that I don't catch myself in those moments that I'm literally chewing into my own tongue to keep my heart, mind and spirit in alignment with God's word, that's when I know it's time to straighten things out with the Lord, because I've strayed away somewhere.

    Earlier today I was faced with a decision. I could either bite my tongue and wait on the Lord, or I could allow the flesh to react on impulse. This decision involved a person that we have bent over backwards for in the past when we were in no place to be helping anyone financially by any means. In fact, our family took a set back for helping out in a number of ways.

    I received a text message this morning that was literally a slap in the face response to help provided in the past. I read the message and physically caught myself stagger as though the slap came right through my phone. Standing in shock, a mix of emotions raced through me in a matter of seconds. Anger, sadness, irritation, hurt, betrayal, bitterness... they swarmed around me like a tornado. The enemy pounded my memory with circumstances I could easily throw back responses with, comments that would whip this person right back into reality if I could just dial the number and speak the thoughts compounding in my mind.

    Then the Holy Ghost spoke.

    I opened my Bible and no matter what page I flipped around to, and no matter how randomly I pointed to a verse and read it aloud, the same basic message appeared before my eyes that beat down on my range of emotions and the words aching to jump off my tongue.

    And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.
    Luke 6:29

    Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
    Romans 12:21

    Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
    Matthew 5:42

    Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
    James 1:19-20

    If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
    James 1:26

    I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.
    Acts 20:35

    Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.
    Proverbs 20:22

    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
    Romans 3:23

    And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
    Mark 11:25

    We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.
    Romans 15:1-2

    And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
    Ephesians 4:32

    Needless to say, I got the point. The flesh backed down and my teeth eased pressure off the tongue that I realized I was literally biting down into. It is not easy to turn the other cheek, but it would be even harder to stand before the Lord one day and have Him shake His head at me in disappointment. I'll take some hurt feelings now over that any day.

    A lesson learned is a lesson shared: it's not worth it to allow anyone or anything to rip apart a moment. Be slow to speak, and allow the Holy Spirit to have a chance to bring you a peace through God's word... the answers are there, whether we like them in the moment or not, but when we submit to the answers we're given, that peace is a reward for our trust in Him.

    Regardless of where we each are in our walk with the Lord, the same temptations, issues, trials, and emotions will cross our paths at some point... I'm as human as the next person... I'm just so very thankful for a patient and loving Lord that is willing to teach me and guide me through each step.

    Monday, July 4, 2011

    Monday Measure

    My "Monday Measure" for this week is:

    Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
    (Deuteronomy 31:6)

    This week I'm working some more on my strength... my spiritual strength!! I will not be weary in well doing, I won't let stress and nerves get to me when something is said or done that could otherwise ruin one's day, and I refuse to allow myself to get stirred up when a solution doesn't seem possible in my own eyes.

    I will be strong, I will have faith, I will stand out among the crowd! Each time I remind myself of this verse this week, I will be assured that His word promises me that He WILL NOT fail me or leave my side, and that He is with me through EVERY situation, great or small, that I am faced with... from crowds at the grocery store to traffic holding me up, from bills that appear in the mailbox to unexpected incidents that try to steal my focus, from discouraging words said to or about me to the health of my loved ones, and all other circumstances out of my control... the Lord is with me, so whom or what should I fear, dwell on, or worry about? Nothing!

    I don't know about you, but I'm going to have an awesome week!

    What's YOUR Monday Measure?