DAY THREE: a picture of the cast from your favorite show

What ever happened to the classic shows that had true morals and values to the plot? I rarely watch television anymore. There's nothing good on tv anymore... and I don't mean good as in funny, plot thickened, or simply G-rated... I mean GOOD. Life lessons through clean examples. Allowing God into the scene. NO cursing. Realistic scenarios solved by goodness, love, compassion, and prayer.
Little House on the Prairie covers all of that. Although the show is based in a time frame that is now probably considered prehistoric, it's real. It presents realistic scenarios that can still be related to modern day times, and the values that can still to this day be followed, cherished, respected, and applied.
Children still have spats and run into enemies at school (Laura and Nellie), there are still busybody gossips that think money and appearance is what life is all about (Harriet Olsen), it's still possible to have a respecting, submissive, compassionate relationship with your spouse (Charles and Caroline), there are still health obstacles that could slow us down but can be used for God's glory (Mary's blindness)... the examples could go on and on. Each show ends with a feel good moment even if the situations dealt with were life altering and heart wrenching... because God is the center of each and every scenario.
Reality tv, sitcoms, cartoons, and even game shows focus positive attention on lust, drinking, bad language, infidelity, homosexuality, idolatry, disrespect, premarital affairs, sexual perversion, etc, etc, etc... and society has become so comfortable watching such shows, that it's found humorous and lives are literally altered and scheduled around when the next show will air. I've heard of season finale get together's among friends. I've seen party favors themed after shows like Sex in the City, Survivor, and American Idol (another show that has earned my disrespect after repeated audience laughs at how freely Stephen Tyler curses and that's just supposed to be okay for a show that millions of young kids are watching and becoming literally obsessed with).
Family sitcoms are now comfortable with lying and manipulating kids and drinking margaritas to wind down for the night instead of working together as a family, blessing meals, and talking children through honest and Godly ways to overcome a challenge. Check your DVR... would Jesus enjoy sitting down and watching all of those shows with you? I hope so, because He IS there with as us we watch what we watch. Garbage in becomes garbage out. It effects how we respond to or talk to our kids, how we deal with neighbors, how we respect elders, how our friendships are built, and what our marriages are based on. There are too many compromises and exceptions made... and it all boils down to being the lukewarm that He's vowed to spew from His mouth (Revelation 3:16).
I thank God for shows like Little House on the Prairie in a time that corruption surrounds us in the world. Me, my husband, and all our kids have probably seen each episode, and I/they always take something from the shows. No matter what show we watch there will be something we take with us from it after the credits roll, sometimes not realizing it, but there's always a seed planted. We need to do an honest evaluation of the seeds we have being planted in our minds and in our hearts through what we watch.

It is sad that we still take things away from out TV shows but they are things better left behind. And, I am afraid I am also guilty of watching too much.
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