You see, the Word of God is a very real and incredibly purposeful thing. It's so easy to just quote a verse from it that feels good or applies to a moment, but when we allow the Lord to speak to us in His word, then apply what He has led us to in our reading, changes happen.
Sometimes the changes are little things that awaken a seed previously planted. These smaller changes work together to move ourselves closer to God in our walk with Him. Then there are the wow factors that really challenge us. These bigger moments are only found in digging deeper.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
(II Timothy 2:15)
Have you ever caught yourself watching a fellow brother or sister in the Lord, and their walk with God? They always seem happy, content, positive, and full of joy... even when they have major things happening in their life. You wonder why your days seem to trudge on, slowly yet surely, battling your way through one day at a time, always looking forward to the end of the day or week.
You just don't understand why you can't get a grasp onto what they have. You pray, you read your bible, you go to church, you teach your kids right from wrong, you're good to other people, you're involved in activities and programs your church has, you're a witness to those that the Lord puts in your path... but you feel like there's something else, something just not complete and absorbed the way they seem to be portraying it.
My friends, then it's time we get out the spiritual shovel and start digging. The only way to open our eyes to what the Lord has in store for us is to seek it out, understand it, and LIVE it to its fullest. It's great to have the basics under control and active in our lives... but if we're only willing to carry through with the basics, then the basics is all we will get out of it in return. However, if we're willing to search out God's will and apply it to the extent He intends in all areas of our lives giving it 100%, that's when we start receiving 100% beyond the basic return of His blessings.
Blessings are not always materialistic. They include the fruits of the spirit, gifts of the spirit, fulfillment, comfort, and encouragement. When we've made our relationship with learning more about our Lord and God's will for our lives and our purpose here the utmost priority in our lives, the rest just happens.
The light starts to shine from within, and we become the one being watched... the one that people look at and say hmm, what are they doing different that I'm not doing... and maybe, just maybe, they'll start digging deeper and applying themselves too. Suddenly the body of Christ will come together and His glory will be brought forth as it was meant to, and should!
It's amazing what we can find out about ourselves, this world, and how much we have become accustomed to compromise when we dig through the Bible. Sometimes your findings will inspire, other times they will convict... but the biggest impact comes when our findings are applied.
I'm enjoying my impact!
God is good, all the time, and I yearn for more!