A little second grader, who was already dealing with the struggles that school can sometimes lend, went to school excited to find out what part had been chosen for him by his teacher in the upcoming school play.
He had enthusiastically told his mother that everyone in the class would be chosen for a special part. She was well aware of his inability to read and memorize, figuring that would prevent him from a big part. She worried he may get discouraged if placed on stage as scenery while other children excitedly embraced and rehearsed their parts. Nonetheless, she kept her worried thoughts to herself.
After school she met his beaming face at the door as he raced in to tell his mother about the part chosen for him in the play. "You won't believe it mom!", he began with pure enthusiasm. "Well what part did you get?", she responded with an excited smile. "I've been chosen to cheer!" the boy beamed.
What pride in his chosen part! While I'm sure this isn't the reaction the mother awaited, surely a moment of humbleness overwhelmed her.
Now, how many of us could use an attitude like his more often? Imagine how different one's home life, workplace, or even the churches could become by truly embracing our individual roles with that much joy, enthusiasm, pride, and realization of importance.
The home front would have a peace and serenity among its inhabitants as each family member accepted their biblical role in the home and lived it with joy, humbleness, and appreciation, rather than murmurings and complaints.
The workplace would become an environment to look forward to, setting an example for others to follow with more witnessing possibilities, rather than a dreaded place to suffer as money is earned to pay the bills.
The church! My oh my, what it would be like if the people of the congregation entered into God's house with that little boy's attitude about cheering others on! Instead of whining about our own trials and frustrations, or boasting about our own endeavors and success... to instead be listeners for others, encouraging them and cheering them through their circumstance!
And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
(Hebrews 10:24-25)
The word used for exhorting in that verse is parakaleo, which is defined as "to put courage into another, or to cheer on another". The young boy in the story embraced that role... how well are we embracing it with those in our own lives? Is it easier to use our loved ones, friends, fellow church goers, and coworkers as an escape goat for our frustrations and fulfillment of pity parties?
We have all been called for an individual, and very specific purpose according to God's plan (2 Timothy 1:9). However, let us not neglect the sideline role we should automatically assume as a follower of Christ, spreading joy as we cheer on those around us.
It's time we pick up our spiritual pompoms and step into a united role that has been chosen for us all by the Almighty. Leave your personal circumstances at His feet, and jump into your part of cheering others on through this race for the Kingdom!
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)