(I Timothy 4:10)
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
(Romans 11:29)
Are you aware of your talents? They come in many forms, from expertise and abilities to personality traits. Living out God's word includes more than just being a good person to those around you... it means using everything we were created to be to bring glory to God. Most times, one's calling is based around the talents they are given, and my friends, not using these is unforgivable (Romans 11:29). It is why we were created in the time and position we were placed. Someone put in our path was destined by God to be touched by what God gave us to share... and just think, by them not obtaining what God put in plan for them to receive from us, could mean one more soul not won for the Lord.
Standing before God's throne of judgement, it is my desire to hear Him say, well done, thou good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:21), for using the few things He gave me, setting me apart from each and everyone else. I have a purpose you cannot replace. You have a purpose I cannot replace.
We should never have the attitude 'God will use someone else to reach them' when fear and self gets in the way. What if God doesn't? What if ministering through your gift(s), talent, and/or calling was that person's chance to be touched by the Lord, changing their life forever?
The enemy WILL come at you when your time to reveal God's gifts are at hand. It is his position to make you feel inferior, embarrassed, unwelcome, out of place, and unqualified. But who the Lord calls, He qualifies... so remind the devil boldly that he's a liar!
Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
(1 Thessalonians 5:24)
If you're unaware of what gifts you have been given that can be used to glorify God, seek Him about it, He will make them known to you! Artistic ability in singing, playing instruments, and art are incredible ways to bring about glory, ways that bless my heart... but they are not the only gifts! Granted, they are the most obvious as songs of praise are being played and sung, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to be pew warmers and hermits throughout our journey! Don't let the fear of being used by a very mighty God or a closed mind to possibilities hinder you! Sometimes our calling may be what we very least expect, but there IS one for EACH of us!
Many miss the meaning of the parable that Jesus gave when He said "For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). It's assumed that God picks and chooses through us, giving some of us callings and others are just there to live out this life being "good people" through our walk, keeping a select few to bring about His glory.
If that were the case then Jesus wasted His breath through the entire mid-section of the parable told in Matthew 22:1-14. We know His words are not void, so we should understand that this parable explains to us how the called are chosen! We're taught that God calls everyone... and gives them the ability to respond to His calling... but to be one of His chosen, we must respond to His calling, using the talents and gifts He has given us!
Be bold and brave in what God has blessed you with!
Be bold, be strong, for the Lord thy God is with thee.
Be bold, be strong, for the Lord thy God is with thee.
Do not be afraid. Do not be dismayed.
Walking in faith and victory.
Walking in faith and victory.
For the Lord, thy God, is with thee.