In fact, I would say many put more thought into what they're going to wear for the day, than they do on The One who woke them up that morning.
Romans 13:14 tells us to "put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ". If you spent hours each morning getting ready, it's all useless and in vain if you haven't put on and wrapped yourself up in the traits of Christ. When you "put on Christ", you're being mindful of the way He lived, the lessons He taught, and the life He sacrificed. You're opening your day to be an example of what He represented and gave His life for.
Consider this scenario:
Jesus wakes up in the morning, says a prayer to the Father in heaven, asking Him to bless His day. He grabs some breakfast, and heads to work as a carpenter. Once He gets to work, he sees John Doe working on a project out of earshot. He leans over to a friend working nearby to fill him in on what he saw John Doe doing the night before. He talks about how hot the woman at the well was. After His boss walks by to check on work progress, Jesus exclaims what a jerk he is and how much he'd like to slap the attitude right out of him. After lunch he's running late getting back to work, and he flips a bird at the guy causing traffic on the path, delaying him even more. Finally making it back to work, He's getting tired and irritated, wishing it were Friday, so he snaps at everyone that speaks to him for the rest of the day. On the way home after work he stops at a nearby pub to have a few drinks with some guys from work to trash talk the boss a bit more. When He gets home for the night, he sits alone, frustrated, trying to figure out why His life is so hard sometimes. Before going to bed for the night, He prays, asking God to make tomorrow a better day.
I don't know about you, but I am most certain this is NOT how a typical day in the life of Jesus went!! So, why is it so many "Christians" think that their typical day can be carried in such a way, yet wonder why their life isn't joy-filled, prosperous, stress free, financially secure, and with blessings overflowing with favor from their Father in heaven??
Look friends, if you want to claim the peace and blessings that come with being a child of God, then it's time to start living like a child of God. Gossip in the work place or at school, negativity and the sharing of unGodly things on social media, belittling your spouse, being two-faced and harsh to friends and/or co-workers, putting yourself before others... none of these are the traits of Christ.
Jesus will be coming back to claim a pure and holy people... not those who claim it and say an occasional "thank you Lord", yet live a life based on their own fleshly desires and fly by night thinking. I'm not pointing fingers, I am well aware of "he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone" (John 8:7). However, having put on Christ, I am given the boldness to shush the nonsense and filth spoken in my presence. I am able to share compassion with others that He has shown to me. I am given the chance to be an example rather than one that ridicules out of frustration or hate. I have the opportunity to love those who are least lovable.
Spend some time reviewing your last week. How much of your time was spent belittling, criticizing, complaining, lusting, being lazy, and thinking of yourself? Now compare that to how much time was spent showing compassion, forgiving, encouraging, saying I love you, uplifting those around you, putting others before self. After comparing the two, is it time to set some goals and pray for strength for making changes?
Only you can decide to follow through with those changes and make it happen! Put on Christ each morning and realize that being a Christian is being Christ-like. It's not just slapping a title on yourself with an accompanying free pass into heaven, despite how you live your life.
I urge you to take this seriously...
Your time here is precious, don't waste another minute of it!