I'm a happy person!
Things don't always go my way; obstacles come up; there are schedules to work around that can sometimes be frustrating; children present challenges; traffic piles up when I'm most in a hurry; the sink stops up...... but I'm HAPPY.
Many people will unsuccessfully spend their entire lives attempting to find happiness. Sadly, these attempts are so far from THE way to find happiness, that the lifetime flies by, and so much time is wasted on materialistic items, void relationships, and much heartache along the way. It's important to understand the difference between a happy moment, and genuine happiness.
Did you have an unusually good week at work while the norm consists of simple putting up and avoiding co-workers? Did you fit in a date night with your spouse? Did you find a great sale and finally get the shoes you've been eyeballing for months? Did you take a trip to Disneyland? Did the children bring home a decent report card? Did you enjoy a phone call catching up with a friend that you haven't heard from in ages?
Those are happy moments.
Are you aware that you have the ability to live a life of genuine happiness without giving up happy moments that may come day by day? I say ability, because it's a choice. It's a lifestyle. It's a trust in the One and only One that is the source for genuine happiness.
Psalm 119:35 says:
Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight.
In my thesaurus, the first available word for delight is happiness. Keeping the Lord's commandments can bring us a happiness like no other. Embracing that happiness will bring you an inner joy that no shoe sale, ride in a fast car, promotion, or amusement park will touch. A genuine happiness overlooks an everyday life circumstance that could otherwise cause frustration, and instead brings forth a smile, keeps a joyful song on your lips, and pleasure in serving others.
The lifestyle change of following those commandments is a struggle, whether you're just recently born again, or have been saved for the last forty years.
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Anything that comes before God in your life (your spouse, children, career, home, possessions, hobbies, etc) is being made a god in your life. If God isn't being put first, you've made that other person or thing the center of your life... the god you are living to serve.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
Is there an actor, singer, or even a neighbor you admire and wish to be like? Be careful you're not making that person your idol, when Jesus has set the example for anything and everything we could aspire to be. Just remember, a "graven image" (idol) doesn't necessarily mean a statue carved of stone, it's anything that impresses you deeply enough to follow it.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Keeping it put simply, if you're saying "oh my God", I surely hope you're in the middle of a prayer. According to the dictionary, when something is taken in vain,
it is done "without real significance, value, or importance, it is baseless or worthless". None of that describes God, especially the obvious no-no of giving God a last name. Use His name in utmost reverence.
4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
We run our minds like crazy through the week attacking agendas, to-do lists, errands, meetings, and working to ensure our wants are covered. It's certainly not too much to ask to give a day to the Lord, honoring His day of rest. When something is kept "holy", it is recognized as sacred, and dedicated to the service of God.
5. Honour thy father and thy mother.
For some this is easy, because their parents were a genuine role model while growing up. For others, this may be harder... but we are to honour (respect, regard, and serve) our parents. There is a reason God chose them to be your parents, so it should be a privilege to serve them, regardless of past or present circumstances.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
Skipping past the obvious interpretation of this command not to blow away your neighbor with a shotgun, keep in mind there are other ways to kill than with a man-made weapon. There is more power in your words than there is gunpowder in a single shot. If your words to another person aren't uplifting, encouraging, and motivating them to be a stronger and better person... than your words are killing them in spirit. Many of us were taught this at a young age with the phrase "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". The command and the phrase coincide greatly.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Although divorce is running rapid in society, there are still many married couples that will go to their grave without cheating on their spouse by having sex with someone else during marriage. With that in mind, also remember that Matthew 5:28 tells us that "whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart". Make no mistake that this goes for ogling the big names in Hollywood just as much as it applies to your next door neighbor or co-worker. Keep your heart and mind pure!
8. Thou shalt not steal.
If you want something, find a way to pay for it or ask God to provide... don't take something that isn't rightfully yours. This includes time. Make sure God gets His share of your day, as well as His 10% of your pay.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
If you don't know the facts, keep your mouth shut. Running your mouth, gossiping, and being a drama queen not only hurts those around you, but it's displeasing to the Lord.
10. Thou shalt not covet.
God made you a special, unique, and precious individual. Just because you don't have a trust fund, the hottest wife, the biggest house, or the best behaved children, doesn't mean it's ok to look longingly at the neighbor that does. Embrace the life you are in, because God has a purpose for you being right where you are, at this very moment.
Psalm 119, as I referenced to for happiness at the beginning, wasn't just stating that following these commandments was the source of happiness, but it guides us on how to obtain it! We're shown that we can ask the Lord to teach us His ways (Psalm 119:33), give understanding to make it possible to follow His ways (Psalm 119:34), to open our hearts to so we can accept His ways (Psalm 119:36), and to turn our eyes away from the things that will distract us from His ways (Psalm 119:37).
I'm not perfect, God still has a lot of work to do in me. However, the more I strive to keep His commandments, the lighter the spring in my step becomes, the louder the song in my heart sings, and greater the joy that comes my way in doing things with and for others. I encourage you to embrace His commands. Be a set apart Christian that is a doer of the Word, not just a hearer that still lacks the genuine happiness God has in store for you!