Close family and friends may have a few nice things to say about you, but have you built a legacy to be remembered and cherished... something for others to grow and continue to build on?
Worldly legacy building is all about achieving bigger and better, leaving behind inheritances, trust funds, and materialistic goods. The tangible. Once the money is gone and the stuff is worn out, what's left that you will be remembered by?
If you look closely (and honestly) at the desires of your heart, it may reveal a bit about how you will be remembered and whether or not it's an example that would be pleasing to the Lord for others. If the desires of your heart look selfish and are more about yourself than others, your legacy may not be so great either.
What we stand for and represent through our lives and relationships can (and will) speak volumes about our relationship with the Lord. Our legacy should speak "faithful servant", revealing the fruits of the spirit... not a selfish drone that has a hand out, but nothing to give.
Do your coworkers know you are a respectable and honorable person that refuses to alter from your beliefs, regardless of how juicy the gossip is at the water cooler? Does your spouse know without a shadow of a doubt that you are faithful and true to every vow spoken on your wedding day, or do lustful eyes wander and friends hear about every mistake he or she makes? Do your children know that you are a praying, encouraging, responsible, planning, loving, teaching parent that seeks the Lord for guidance in raising them, or do you take each day on a whim and just hope they turn out okay with the casual effort you've put in? Do your friends truly trust in you because of your honesty and integrity, or are you just a convenient hang out person with the latest news? Do acquaintances and even strangers see you from afar as cold, distant, and stingy, or are you loving, hard working, and giving without a selfish motive?
Obviously there will be some in our lives that know us better than others, but as a whole, how we are known now is our opportunity to set an example for the love we are given through Christ. Newsflash... It's never too late to start over or build on what we're already doing! It doesn't have to involve shoving a preaching finger in someone's face. Rather, through your words, actions, and daily life, you can be a positive example, building a legacy that gives God glory for what He has revealed of Himself through you.
With your Spouse:
Pray with and for your spouse. Listen more than you speak. Support openly. Encourage often. Edify, uplift, and honor through your words and actions. Communicate. Be honest. Be as sensitive to minor needs as you are to major needs. Keep private and sacred what should be private and sacred. Show I love you as often as you speak it. Give affection and hold hands. Little gestures make large strides in a marriage. Be the wife or husband (in all aspects) that you want your child to marry.
With your Children (while they're young):
Pray with and for your children. Teach them the ways of the Lord before someone else teaches them the ways of the world. Practice what you preach. Speak and show I love you often. Use scripture whenever possible to plant seeds in their lives. Teach through positivity, encouragement and uplifting rather than negativity, shouting and ridicule. Spend time with them often. Do it with them, not for them. Make them a part of your agenda rather than looking at them as an inconvenience for your agenda. Learn together. Play together.
With your Children (when they've grown):
Continue to pray for them. Be involved with their children. Stand your moral ground with them when the world tries to lead them astray. Show love and offer guidance through example, but allow the Lord to do the intervening. Forgiveness, even if not requested, is a must as God does His own building in their lives.
With Co-Workers:
Let your light shine! Smile. Encourage. Walk away from gossip. Positive words make a week more enjoyable where begrudging Mondays and wishing for Fridays used to exist. Uplifting good qualities gives drive to improve lacking ones. Forgiving errors and initiating success builds moral. Positivity drives away negativity.
With your Friends:
Standing firm in your morals without compromise builds honor and respect. Encourage their strengths and pray for their weaknesses. Be honest, but with love. Remind them of your appreciation for them. Pray for and encourage their children, as it could be watering a seed already planted.
With Acquaintances and Strangers:
Let your light shine! They don't know your burdens, so don't let your burdens be your first impression. Smile often. Reach out. Say God bless you. Offer assistance following the example of the Good Samaritan. Keep your speech positive, you never know who's listening.
A legacy is anything passed along, from one person to another. We are each a living example that someone will carry with them. Let's make sure what we're passing along reflects a true devotion to all Christ represents.