And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
(Matthew 21:22)
Does this mean if I pray asking for a shiny new SUV, to wake up to a bank account with millions of dollars deposited overnight, or a sudden weight loss of 35 pounds that it will happen because I prayed and believed it hard enough? That is NOT what this verse speaks to us. However, when we pray from a sincere humble heart for things of God, things He wants us to strive for according to His word, believing in Him to honor His word... we CAN expect results. Remember, "things" aren't necessarily materialistic... "things" we pray for can (and should) be holy spiritual requests that will ultimately bring us closer to Christ, as well as glory to God.
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
(Proverbs 31:11-12)
It should be our desire to have a close and intimate relationship, spiritually and physically, with our husbands. We are his help-meet (Genesis 2:18), and being such does not mean "helping him" by putting together a honey-do list, "helping him" by telling him what he should or shouldn't be doing differently, or "helping him" with nagging and complaining so he will hopefully make changes just to shut us up.
Those things only put a strain on a marriage, pushing more and more couples apart. Prayer however, seeking God to mold your marriage into what HE would have it to be by seeking out Biblically significant aspects, can turn even a marriage between the best of friends into something absolutely divine in the eyes of God.
I've come across two similar studies on this subject, and decided to combine the two into one month, 30 consecutive days, of covering our husbands in prayer. Not prayers based on how we feel or what we want based on situation and circumstance... but prayer that is based solely on what God desires for our marriages.
Each day, starting tomorrow, for the next 30 days, I will be posting a husband related topic, devotion, motivator, and/or encouragement here on my blog. In the meantime, you can click here for a printable calendar to view each day when going to prayer for your husband. Each day provides specific biblical prayer topics with bible verse references that seek God to touch the lives of our husbands.
In addition to specific prayer each day, there is a daily two-part challenge for you that will build up your husband through your own spoken (and unspoken) words:
Satan wants nothing more than to devour our husbands and our marriages by attacking the character of the spiritual leader in our homes. However, we have the power through Christ to put a shield of protection over our husbands when we surrender ourselves and our time in prayer over him.
Feel free to join me in this prayer challenge. If you have a blog, you're welcome to take the "30 Days of Covering Our Husbands in Prayer" graphic above and link it back to this post to encourage others to meet the Lord in prayer over their husbands too. If you decide to make this a goal for the next month in your life, whether you have a blog of your own or not, please comment or send me a message, I would be honored to pray for you by name as you seek God through the journey!
Check in tomorrow for Day One.
May your marriage be blessed!
Prayer studies are adapted from ©Revive Our Hearts and ©Diving Deeper Ministries.
Used with permission.