Figuring he was lucky enough for the cruise ticket itself, and wouldn't have enough money to buy the meals in the ship's fine dining room, he decided to take along some cheese and crackers for food.
For several days during mealtime he sat in his cabin eating his cheese and crackers, as the stewards passed by with carts full of fresh lobster, warm baked bread, juicy prime rib, decedent desserts, fresh fruits and vegetables.
He just couldn't stand it any longer. He reached out, grabbing one of the stewards and begged for a plate of food. "Please, help me. I'll go to work, I'll scrub the deck. I'll do anything to get something to eat. My cheese and crackers are turning stale, and I'm starving to death."
"But, sir," the steward replied, "don't you know? Your food comes with your ticket for the duration of the cruise!"
Oh my! How many Christians live out their lives the way this man did on his dream cruise. They settle for being "cheese and crackers" believers, living off the basic rations available, when they could be dining on the steak and potatoes! By allowing the Holy Spirit to open their eyes to everything life could have in store for them, they could be enjoying the savory fruits of the Spirit... love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (Galatians 5:22-23).
Why choose a life of spiritual poverty allowing ourselves to get stale? I have had my share of being a "cheese and crackers" Christian. I allowed myself to settle for the bare bones of salvation. At times I convinced myself that's all there was for me, so it became all I really expected. I was okay with what the world thought being a Christian was. Thankfully though, my spiritual hunger got the best of me, stirred up my senses, and I surrendered my life to Christ as He intended!
Trust me friends, nothing can satisfy like Him, certainly not the cheese and crackers we too often settle for. Feast on the abundant life Christ provided for you!
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
(John 10:10)