Depressed? Lonely? Discouraged? Confused? Sad? Weary? Did you know there are verses throughout scripture for all of those and MANY more? All of the things we go through day to day, or even just for a season can be carried away from us through God's word. He tells us in Matthew 11:28-29 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
We're blessed to have such a thorough reference to find encouragement and peace through One who loves us so much and wants only the best for us. So much so, that He gave reference after reference through His word that we can apply to every situation, every circumstance, finding direction and solitude for any and every scenario.
Unfortunately there are times that we become so overwhelmed in a trial or emotion that we get mind boggled on the many verses we read, and where they are found in the word, to find peace through the storm. We know there's something in there to reference to that can give us a comfort and help us through, but the enemy attacks and tries to block the Lord's words of comfort from our remembrance.
It's ok to have trials! The Lord knew we would or He wouldn't have provided the rescue for them! Because of this, I've added three links to the top of my blog. You'll find a Sewing Kit, a Toolbox, and First Aid. Under each of those are categorized verses to help you through your time of need. Read them, use them, and carry them in your heart.... they are our life's provisions, written specifically for each of us.

Love the idea of your links!! I'm so encouraged by what God's doing in your life... thanks for sharing it with all of us :-)
I love how you are spreading the gospel so fearlessly. The very first thing that caught my eye when I visited your blog was the little flag in the corner that says "As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord"--no doubt you are!!
I also like your toolbox, first aid kit and sewing kit. I haven't checked them out yet, but I love how you are thinking.
I found you because you visited my blog and left a nice comment. Following now :)
I love the Sewing kit! It caught my eye because I'm a big sewer. They are all great ideas!
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. God bless!!
I love the fact that God's Word provides for our every emotional need. No matter how many times I read the same passage, it still speaks to me.
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